Per chi non sa l’inglese questa si che è una bella prova, ci sono sempre più ultra cinquantacinquenni che frequentano corsi di computer, per iscriversi a Facebook, nel gruppo dei nonni.
COMPUTER users over 55 are the fastest growing group to sign up to social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace, which they use to connect with family and friends. The online community has responded by creating groups such as ”My grandma is on Facebook”, ”My granny is on Facebook and I love it” and ”Proud Nannas, Grandmas, Pas and Grandpas on Facebook” in recent months.Laurel Papworth, a social network expert, said: ”Senior citizens are time-rich and want to go where their grandchildren will go. ”From January 2009 we began to see this shift where senior citizens were signing up to Facebook. ”Anne-Marie Elias, of the NSW Council on the Ageing, said seniors were far more technologically savvy than previous generations.”We’re talking about the baby boomer generation, who have been in a working environment where they had a computer,” Ms Elias said.
”Facebook is a really great facility that enables senior members to keep in contact with their families and friends who may be overseas, or living next door. For the older generation, and particularly the immigrant population, Facebook is not just a networking tool but a tool to find your loved ones anywhere in the world.”Sirkka Duncan, 63, logs on to Facebook more than once a day, connecting with Finnish and Australian family members.”At first I was very apprehensive to use Facebook – it was like going down a dark alleyway,” she said.As a member of the Australian Seniors Computer Club Association, Ms Duncan has in the past six months instructed more than 300 seniors. One of her students is the association president, Nan Bosler, 75, who uses Facebook to keep in contact with her grandchildren.”Sirkka taught me how to use Facebook about six months ago,” Ms Bosler said. ”As a former teacher, one of my students found me and asked to be my friend. That was lovely.”
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Il gruppo oltre 55 anni si sta verificando come il gruppo maggiormente rappresentato su FACEBOOK e MY SPACE i quali si collegano con famigliari e amici. La comunita inlinea
ha risposto creando gruppi come “My grandma is on Facebook ” i mie nonni su FACEBOOK
”My granny is on Facebook and I love it” , ” mia nonna su FACEBOOK e l’ amo” .Laurel Papworth una esperta sociale , dice ,” cittadini anziani hanno molto tempo a disposizione , e vogliono andare dove trovano i loro nipoti e amici . da gennaio 2009 ad ora , si è visto che ,molti anziani si stavano iscrivendo su FACEBOOK e MY SPACE .
Il collegio dei anziani sull’invecchiamento hanno constatato che dei molti seniors avevano molto più buonsenso technologico delle generazioni precedenti. ” Parlano molto della generazione esplosiva , i quali sono stati in un lavoro dove usavano il computer .